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View the concept designs for public art memorial to commemorate the pandemic in North Ayrshire

Wednesday, 20 Sep 2023 12:00 AM
  • Concept 1
  • Concept 2
  • Concept 3
Three concept designs have been developed from workshops with the local community for public artwork in North Ayrshire to commemorate the pandemic.

Please view the designs above and tell us what you think. Your opinion will help us to shape one final idea for the memorial in North Ayrshire.

What design would you most like to see? Where would you like to see it (i.e., a beach, a town centre, the park)? What elements of the design do you like or don't like? Do you think this should be one larger piece, or would you prefer if it was three smaller? What materials do you think would suit the idea most?

Please consider these questions when reviewing the three designs. Detailed comments for each design can be added here:

These designs were shown to the public at a mobile consultation event across several sites in North Ayrshire on Tuesday, 19th of September.


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